
Solvay company is international producer of material solutions. As a complete manufacturer of materials this company brings every property projected to implementation. They produce materials for: automotive branch, airline industry, energy, construction, agro-food, environmental, electrical and electronic industry. Solvay employs 30 900 people in 53 countries.

Solvay is present in Poland since 11 years and employs 280 workers in 3 centers of administration and production.

Solvay production facility in Gorzow had problem with excessive heat in production hall. Analysis showed that evaporative cooling has been the best option compared to traditional cooling. Evaporative cooling is less expensive in installation and in operation than compressor coolers. At present there are 9 coolers installed wchat gives in summary 135 000m3/h air flow and about 270 kW of cooling power (30*C, 40% RH) using only about 9 kW of electric power and few litres of water.